Graphic: Spacer Pixel.  
Graphic: Homework Help.
Photo: Tweenangel talking on a cell 'phone.
Photo: Tweenangel holding a cell 'phone.
Photo: Tweenangel holding a compact disc.
Tweenangels / Our Other Programs / Teenangels


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Teenangels are a group of thirteen to eighteen year old volunteers that have been specially trained by the local law enforcement and many other leading safety experts, in all aspects of online safety, privacy and security.

Teenangels was founded in 1999 by leading cyberlawyer Parry Aftab, Executive Director of WiredSafety, a 501(c) (3) charity and the largest and oldest online safety, education, and help group in the world. Parry personally trains most of the Teenangels!

After completion of the required training, the Teenangels run unique programs in schools to spread the word about responsible and safe surfing to other teens and younger kids, parents, and teachers.

However, once the Teenangels training videos (on which Parry and other safety experts will appear) are complete, we will be able to train teens even in places Parry can't get to!

Photograph: The New Rochelle Teenangels Chapter
The New Rochelle Teenangels Chapter
Screenshot: Parry's Angels [Teenangels]
Animation: "Parry's Angels" Trailer

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